
iPad Features allow you to take Screenshots

Like every other Apple product, the new iPad is causing a stir. In one day, over 700,000 copies were sold. WordPress has released WordPress for iPhone/iPad OS 2.4, a new version of its program. This is the first version of the WordPress app to work with the iPad from Apple.


This program hasn’t been updated with any new features. This was the first time WordPress released a version without any further functionality. Everything you can do on the iPhone with WordPress 2.3 is now possible on the iPad, but with a new interface that takes advantage of the larger screen.


With this new app and the iPad’s huge screen, you can now type longer posts using the larger on-screen keyboard (or an external keyboard). Longer blog pieces will be considerably easier to write as a result of this. Comments can also be moderated, edited, or replied to. The huge screen will assist you to quickly moderate mass comments.


This version additionally supports geo-tagging. If you like, you can tell your users where the post came from. However, this feature is only available on the iPad 3G.


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Are you planning to get an iPad for yourself? Please let us know in the comments section. When the 3G version of the iPad is out in late April, we’ll be getting one.


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